This morning felt more challenging than most.
My self-esteem felt low from the moment I woke up. Happy, loving thoughts were much harder to find than usual.
I felt a little agitated & a lot unwanted… uncomfortable being seen and desperate to be seen all at once.
Craving love, affection, attention, appreciation, and support, I wanted to feel beautiful, alive and in love with every minute.
So… I took my time getting ready. Showing some love to my physical body is my go to when I need a pick-me-up. I curled my hair, did my make-up, painted my nails, and chose clothes that made me feel comfortable and beautiful.
I noticed my thoughts, felt my emotions, and kept squinting to see the end goals of what I’m working towards through the murkiness of my discomfort.
Once I was ready to brave the world, I changed my scenery, and set up shop in a nearby Starbucks.
And when I opened up my laptop to start working, I came across this:
Three steps to feel better & more connected in your daily life:
1. Choose loving thoughts, especially about yourself. Fill yourself up with love first, before you hand the responsibility off to someone else. Remember… the amount of love we’re able to feel from others in any given moment is directly related to how much love we’re able to give ourselves. Accept all parts of yourself, build yourself up, believe in yourself, and be unapologetic about it. Refuse to beat yourself up, and know that in the end it’ll have a positive impact on everyone around you.
2. Connect with your body. Be gentle using movements that work for you. Be mindful of the food you’re feeding yourself. Consider removing chemicals like coffee, sugar, or alcohol if you haven’t already, and notice how this creates so much more clarity and connection in your life when you let it.
3. Surrender to the flow of life. Surrender to the bigger picture, something that’s bigger than just you. Find your comfortable place in that bigger picture. Trust that you have everything you need inside of you already, and that you’ll always be taken care of. All of the answers, all of the guidance, and all of the love you need to survive and thrive are accessible inside of yourself. When you come from this place, the people you choose to integrate into your life will only take you higher.
And… I feel SO much better now.
When I feel better, I do better. Feeling better allows me to show up when it matters most.
From the bottom of my heart, I hope this can help you today too.
We’re beautiful, we’re loved, we’re wanted, we belong. For exactly who we are. Every unique quirk, every imperfection, every valuable strength we bring to the world.
In the moments we don’t remember this, let’s be here for each other.
I hope you know, when you need me, I’m here for you.
We dive deep into the heart of these three steps by exploring mind, body, and energy in my Conscious Wholeness course & community. We’d love for you to join us over there if you’re so called!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, my loves, and take very good care of yourself. You deserve it.
We’ll talk again soon. <3