Hey guys!! I hope you’re having a lovely week so far. Today, I hung with Jennifer Gattelaro (www.jgattelarophotography.com/) snapping head shots and talking business. I can’t wait to share the photos with you.
During lunch, we chatted about about emotion management, and how it ties all the pieces of my business together. Not only am I trying to teach emotional skills to others, but I’m beefing up my own skills. Full disclosure: leaving a steady paycheck to start a business has been freaking terrifying, and it’s definitely tested my emotional limits!
There are few things that our society tolerates less than emotional expression, and we see the results of this in a lot of ways. Suicide and bullying are on the rise. We struggle to support each other and it’s hard to find happiness for ourselves. All along, we’re given this message to “smile and keep on trucking” or “man up, deal with it”. As though acting like nothing’s wrong is the only way to get through and make it better.
Unfortunately, emotional suppression is futile, and our emotions only grow to tidal wave size when we try to suppress them. Sometimes our clammed up emotions show up as physical issues like pain or illness. Often, they seek attention by filling our brains with anxious chatter, personal insults, or too-harsh judgments placed on ourselves and others. They can easily become full blown mental health symptoms, like panic attacks, uncomfortable energy levels, or little voices in our heads.
Emotions are important, because they hold meaning – meanings that we miss when we suppress them. Emotions exist to teach us things, like how to treat ourselves better or how to treat others. They let us know when we’re on the right track or if it’s time to re-evaluate. They’re one of the best tools we have to learn about ourselves, and being in touch with them helps us connect more deeply with the people we love.
If learning to process emotions effectively is something you’d be in to, check out briannamcinerny.com/services. My 4-hour intensive “How to Move Your Emotions” is a great place to start (or continue, like if you’ve tried the traditional healthcare system and it hasn’t worked so well). Moving your emotions is a great way to take your power back when your emotions have been running the show. I’d be happy to show you how.
If you know you’d like a consultation, here’s an application link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xuoRQlSYx03F_NemDIzWUINKwCThWEV1yx6V2Y2t-do/viewform. Once I get your info, I’ll contact you to set it up!
So… what are you feeling right now? Personally, I’m feeling hungry, so that’s my cue to exit. Thank you for reading, I’m truly thrilled to have you here. Catch you later folks!