Sink Into Your Skin

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  • #2376

    Hello! Welcome to Sink Into Your Skin, an introduction to approaching your relationship with your body with Conscious Wholeness.

    sink into your skin

    During this lesson you’ll take steps to love and appreciate the skin you’re in, so you can access your body’s wisdom and all the physical bliss available in this life experience.

    In this video I outline 3 steps to Sink Into Your Skin:

    • Step 1 – Body Love
    • Step 2 – Prioritizing Your Comfort
    • Step 3 – Seeking Physical Pleasure

    Related content includes: Body Love video, Emotional Alchemy video, Emotional Alchemy Starter Kit workbook

    Which step are you most focused on right now? What are you learning?

    Are there any missing/extra steps that you notice in your own process?

    What are your biggest takeaways from this lesson?

    What does your body want and need from you right now?

    Join the conversation here. Thank you for showing up and growing with Conscious Wholeness!

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