When’s the last time you did something that was WAY outside of your comfort zone?
Have you ever experienced a moment leading up to something like that? For me, it feels like my body is preparing for something epic, my ego is screaming at me to stay put, while still some weird sense of calm takes over.
That’s how I’m feeling today. I’ll be leaving in an hour or so for my first ever meditation retreat at Peace Village in upstate NY. It’s called “Spirituality in Motion” – deepening understanding of what it means to be a soul in a human body.
The retreat is 4+ hours away, on a clear day.
It’s raining/flooding outside. It’ll be cold and rainy most of the weekend. So many parts of me want to stay put, snuggling under blankets with my man and my dog all weekend.
I know I’ll have to share a room with maybe multiple strangers, and the introvert in me is wary – especially in the context of doing deep personal work.
I don’t often meditate in the traditional sense, so meditating all weekend feels pretty ambitious.
I’ll be eating on the vegetarian food that’s put in front of me by the Brahma Kumaris running the retreat. (Honestly – I’m mostly excited for this part, but I’ll still pack a couple of emergency snack just in case)!
AND! I’ll be disconnected from cell service/internet while I’m there.
All said and done, there’s no part of me even considering backing out, despite the fact that these retreats are totally free and funded by donation. Don’t get me wrong here – I WILL be donating – but in this moment I have not financially invested at all into this event.
However, registering for this retreat was inspired by one of the biggest “YES”s my intuition has ever given me. With a nudge like that, I’m certain – I’m GOING to this retreat. Hell or high water, nothing can stop me.
Plus… don’t they say, outside of your comfort zone – that’s where the magic happens?
I suppose I’ll have to report back. 🙂
I hope you all stay warm and dry today, and enjoy the weekend ahead. I’ll see you on the other side.