You deserve to love yourself… everything that’s made you who you are, and every little intricacy of who you’re becoming.


This is not about unrelenting positivity or simply encouragement to shift your “mindset”. 

Endless positivity cuts us off from ourselves & leads us in questionable directions – because we aren’t looking at ourselves & our lives openly & realistically from all angles.

Conscious Wholeness offers actual, practical, implementable practices, tools, & nuggets of wisdom that will outline HOW to embrace & love the full spectrum of who you are – mind, body, and energy.

So you can be in healthy love with yourself at a baseline, bad days, failures, mistakes and all. 

I know that “mind/body/energy” is a little (or a lot) overplayed, and there’s frankly a lot of fluff out there when it comes to personal growth.

That being said, there is a reason why so many have recognized & preached this powerful, transformative combination.

Conscious Wholeness takes this over-used canned phrase deeper, into true understanding & implementation of mind, body, and energy in your day-to-day life.

You will feel it deep in your bones, and it will radiate off of you, as you become more grounded & more spiritually connected simultaneously.

You will find a deep well of unconditional love inside of yourself & learn to live there.

This will impact & inspire everyone around you.

When you’re practicing Conscious Wholeness, you’ll feel the deep satisfaction of making intentional choices based on what you care about.

A Free 5-day Conscious Wholeness Experience

Curious? Receive the free 5 Days of Wholeness experience here.

Brianna McInerny Newsletter

Through engaging with Conscious Wholeness™ you will:

Better understand yourself, your desires, and your way forward.

Attract opportunities, relationships, income, etc, that amplify who you really are.

Get more day-to-day stuff done, in less time, with more enjoyment.

Invest your time, money, & energy into caring for yourself without any guilt or shame around it.

Become a stronger, more impactful source of support for yourself & the people you interact with every day.

Set loving boundaries that feel empowering for everyone involved, so everyone can get their needs met, no big confrontation necessary.

Learn to trust yourself so you can live a more stress-free, curious, present-with-the-moment kind of life.

Settle critical voices, calm your mind, and focus your thoughts regardless of distractions or circumstances. 

As other members have said, Conscious Wholeness will improve & support literally every area of your life.

A Free 5-day Conscious Wholeness Experience

Curious? Receive the free 5 Days of Wholeness experience here.

Brianna McInerny Newsletter

This will provide you with clear, consistent access to your best creative ideas, willingness to act on those ideas, and healthier ways for getting projects done while also enhancing all other areas of your life.

All said and done, you will have grown deep unshakeable roots in yourself.

When we’re able to become really intentional about our thoughts and choices, from a place of understanding ourselves & what’s best for us, knowing our personal preferences, enjoying the present moment AND relentlessly focused on where we’re going, that’s a magical sweet spot of life.

Putting in the inner work by practicing Conscious Wholeness will help you live there. 

Are you ready for the adventure?

This can help you open up the pathways to further growth & creativity that you’ve been looking for.

I’ve learned that I don’t need to do personal growth alone. Support can look like a lot of different things, and it IS something everyone deserves to invest in. You deserve your own attention, and getting outside support with this is the only way you’re going to up-level. Doing everything on your own is very difficult, confusing, painful, and lonely, which now I can see just isn’t necessary. After working with Brianna for about a year, my relationships feel more fulfilling and connected… most importantly, I’m way more connected to myself. I’m not spending so much time in a stressed out, anxious, overwhelmed state of being like I was before. When fear hits, I know exactly how to step out of that & step into a “get-shit done” kind of place. I’m attracting better quality clients now through knowing who I want to work with. I’m well on my way to doubling my income… while comfortably transitioning from my full-time job into full-time entrepreneurship. It feels amazing. I’m so grateful for everything I’ve learned through this work and I’m looking forward to the future with excitement. If you’re thinking about working with Brianna, just say ‘Yes’. You won’t regret it.
Hugging Amanda Roc Girl Gang

Brianna with Conscious Wholeness member Amanda Gorman – check out what she has to say about the course here!

Frequently Asked Questions

“Isn’t Conscious Wholeness something that’s inside of me? Something that I need to find for myself?”

Yes. You are already working on this and Conscious Wholeness is absolutely something you already have inside of yourself.

Conscious Wholeness isn’t about finding answers outside. It’s about finding answers inside, and getting out of your own way so you can find the answers you’re looking for more easily, quickly, consistently.

What I’m offering you here is a resource to help you direct, streamline, and organize those efforts so you’ll feel like you’re actually getting somewhere.

Yes, everything you need is already inside of you. I simply want to help you access that happiness & freedom in a quicker, deeper, more consistent, long-lasting, & efficient way.

Also, you deserve to have support. Period. You don’t need to do this life alone.

So, what’s actually included in the Conscious Wholeness course?

The tangible things include a pool of prerecorded Conscious Wholeness content – videos, workbooks, and meditations – for you to plug into & practice wholeness any time.

You’ll get instant access to all the existing content & you’ll receive all course updates for the lifetime of the course.

The classes currently included are:

  • Leverage Your Mind – 4 steps to make your thoughts work for you.
    • Acceptance – free up more energy when you stop resisting what is.
    • Beliefs – interpret your world intentionally, in a way that supports your goals.
    • Clarity – understand what you really want and why.
  • Sink Into Your Skin – 3 steps to feel more lovingly connected to your body.
    • Body Love – learn to love the skin you’re in at a baseline.
    • Emotional Alchemy – make space for yourself and let go of old baggage.
  • Influence Your Surroundings – show up as the version of yourself you really want to be.
    • Energy – bring a consistent, aligned vibe to the table.
    • Boundaries – decide what standards you’re ready to uphold in your life.
    • Trust – develop unshakeable faith that you can make it through anything.

…and more.

That’s over 15 hours of inspirational, informational video, plus two workbooks, and a couple of extra bonus classes that you’ll receive right away when you join the course.

You will also receive lifetime access to the community & group opportunities. (I obviously reserve the right to boot anyone who becomes in any way abusive to me or anyone else in the group).

Right now, connection with the group is held in a few ways:

  • on our password-protected membership site.
  • in the comments sections under our private, unlisted YouTube videos.
  • group discussion video chat thread via Marco Polo
This course will constantly be evolving & growing along with you, and if you’re ready & willing to engage with the content, you will shape how it grows as well.

So what do you say? Will you let me guide & witness you? Will you become a part of the fabric of Conscious Wholeness? Are you feeling a “yes” to this?

If so, I’ll see you inside.

The Conscious Wholeness Course is currently closed to new members.