Welcome to Conscious Wholeness!!
I’m beyond thrilled that you’ve stepped into working with me & the community that’s gathering around this program. Congratulations on making such a smart decision. This is an opportunity to develop tools to feel fuller, more satisfied, and more connected to yourself & the people around you for the rest of your life.
Email in**@br*************.com if you’re having trouble finding what you need at any time. We’ll get you sorted.
What to Expect
Processes & strategies for accessing your best, most consistently happy, vibrant, vital, creative and successful version of yourself, and this will allow you to create amazing shifts in your life whenever you want to.
Through learning and repeating the steps of Conscious Wholeness that I’ve outlined, you’ll build a solid foundation that’ll allow you to slow time, enjoy the simple things, & feel consistently valuable as you contribute your talents to the world. Keep this email handy, because it lays out some info you’ll need to help things flow smoothly from the start!
As we begin, it’s important to note that with change comes RESISTANCE.
This is totally normal! You might be feeling a little resistance now, or maybe you’re just psyched and ready to get going. Either way is perfect. Start observing yourself, and always know that resistance can be a good sign that the experience will be powerful for you.
On the other hand, resistance can also be an indication that you’re trying to force things in an unnecessary direction.
In either case, when resistance comes up, it’s time to BREATHE and RELAX and remember your wholeness. Remember that the answers are inside of you, and the whole point of this program is to look inside to find what feels amazing to you so you can follow it.
When resistance hits, take it easy on yourself. Do something nice for yourself. Take a bath. Meditate. Read. Visit the Emotional Alchemy Starter Kit.
Building your ability to slow down & observe yourself will be essential to creating results with Conscious Wholeness.
Together, we’ll be unlocking your creative process and teaching you how to maintain emotional consistency so you can overcome your biggest challenges and move in leaps and bounds towards your goals, working from a strong mental foundation of wholeness. This will impact every area of your life, and everyone you come into contact with – especially the people who you spend the most time with, and the people who are most important to you.
Success Tips
Some things to keep in mind when challenges come up – because this is life, and challenges WILL present themselves…
It is safe to connect with yourself.
Practice is perfect.
Curiosity is key.
The possibilities for what can happen are endless.
Perspective is everything.
It’ll be helpful to find little sayings or mantras like this, ones that resonate with you, that you can remember to focus on when resistance comes up & your thoughts get away from you. We are humans, and our thoughts WILL get away from us at times. Taking these moments to Conscious Wholeness will help you re-direct your unhelpful thoughts to a more positive pattern that serves you. That being said, it’s important to practice when you’re feeling fantastic, so that you’ll be strong in these habits when you need them most.
Your commitments to me:
Keep an open mind, as much as possible. The more transparent and searching you are, the more effective your time here will be. Make every effort to trust me and the rest of the group – as people who are all doing their best, walking this road together, and as uniquely talented people. Most of all, here you’re learning to trust yourself. We all bring something to the table. Be HONEST with me, which includes speaking up if there’s a problem or if you don’t agree with something so that we can get it sorted out and maintain our trust. Without trust, we have nothing!
My commitments to you:
I’ll always be doing my absolute best to support you and give you value. I won’t ever judge you or think less of you for what you share. This is a judgment-free zone. Your secrets will be safe with me. I will always empower you to make decisions for yourself and trust YOU to have the final say on what’s best for you. My goal is always to bring you back to love & connection with yourself. I will never force you into anything you’re uncomfortable with.

Expectations: As a participant in Conscious Wholeness™, you commit to prioritizing yourself, your relationships, and your success for at least 90 days. You commit to creating your own fantastic results, by being open, transparent, and willing to take action out in real life. You commit to being respectful, professional, and collaborative with me & the rest of the group. We are small, select, & close-knit – make sure to stay connected!
Do the work! The more you put in, the more you’ll get out. Sometimes doing the work IS taking a break when you need it.
You have unlimited email and text support from me for the next 3 months, and I will always LOVE reading your updates! Send them to in**@br*************.com subject line *Conscious Wholeness Questions/Updates*. Let me know how you’re doing, even if you don’t need help right that instant.
When you feel like you need my support on something, take these steps:
Ask yourself – What is my biggest problem right now?
Ask yourself – What do I need to resolve this challenge?
Ask yourself – Can I fill this need myself, maybe using these Conscious Wholeness processes I’m learning, or through other natural supports? Can I google it?
If the answer is yes, try some things out and attempt to meet the need yourself. If the answer is no and you need some extra support to get through, that’s what I’m here for!! Just shoot me an email at in**@br*************.com with subject line *CONSCIOUS WHOLENESS SUPPORT NEEDED*. Include your answers to the above questions, let me know what you’re trying and how it’s working. We will get you through it!
That’s it for now! If questions come up, you know where to send them.
I can not WAIT to walk with you down this path towards Wholeness!